劉以鬯·偶物 x 裝置現場《第十五件⋯》

12月7日 - 12月29日

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滾動傀儡另類劇場 華文文學改編系列

?「這個世界的將來,會不會全部被沒有生命的東西佔領?」—劉以鬯 ?? ? ???


2019.12.27-29 (五、六、日)20:00






【文學 X 戲偶影院 X 光影 X 聲音,跨界詮釋文學大師作品】





2013年滾動傀儡另類劇場於牛房劇季,首度以劉以鬯先生的文學作品,創作「華文文學 x 多媒體偶元素劇《枯牆》」,與一代文燈結緣。2018年劉生駕鶴仙遊,滾動傀儡受邀到香港中央圖書館,以作家的文本及手製模型,為「劉以鬯追思會」創作一段戲偶影院,獲劉太及一眾當代藝術家讚譽發展作品的可能性。是次創作將延續探索當代另類劇場呈現文學作品及回應社會現狀的可能,致敬劉生「創作要有試驗和實踐」的精神。









每張$120 - 早鳥優惠(即日起至12月8日內購買)

每張$130 - 三張或以上團體優惠

?查詢 :趙七 66373246 rollingpuppet@gmail.com






1) 填妥表格後,將會收到專人回覆確認購票資料。

2) 把票款存入 中國銀行:00181301102056635 或 大西洋銀行:9011550543,或 以澳門通App MPAY新推出的轉賬功能,把票款轉帳至 66373246,並把收據或截圖電郵至rollingpuppet@gmail.com。

3) 憑電話號碼即可入場。







【關於 滾動傀儡另類劇場】

滾動傀儡另類劇場於2014年成立,劇團透過兼具劇場美學與實驗性的創作,探索偶物(Puppet and Object)作為劇場物質的豐富隱喻性,以此擴闊作品的閱讀空間;我們深信戲偶雅俗共賞的特性,能跨越語言地域界限,成為連結不同背景的觀眾和創作者的橋樑,從而共同以藝術探討當代人對自身和社會的認知。






<Object #15 ...>

Liu Yichang · Puppet & Object x Light x Sound Installation

Chinese Literature Adaptation Series by Rolling Puppet Alternative Theatre.

?”In the future, will the world be occupied totally by lifeless objects?” — Liu Yichang ?? ? ???

? 2019.12.27-29 (Fri - Sun) 20:00

?Patane Library : Rua da Ribeira do Patane, N.os 69-81, Macau

<Object #15...> is a cross-disciplinary art event inspired by Mr Liu’s short novel written in 1968 about the first person’s views of 14 different objects appeared in a social incident. 4 local artists from Puppet & Object Theatre, Lighting as well as Sound Design, will collaborate and create puppet cinema and performative installations in the library, in respects to Mr Liu’s artistic spirits in terms of explorations and responses to our present society.

To liberate the authority of imagination in Theatre and Literature, and call for Freedom of Thought.


?Performance duration: approx. 60 mins

?With occasional monologues in Cantonese

?Audience needs to bring along own mobile phone and headphone. Notifications about downloading a specific App will be sent before the performance day, thanks for participating in the process of the event.

?Quota for participants is limited in each performance, your reservation will be secured according to the time of your bank transfer, thank you.

? Ticket:$150


$120 - Early Bird (on or before 8 Dec)

$130 - Group tickets of 3 or more (per ticket)


?No need to pick up your ticket. Enter with your mobile number!

??We do not support walk-in with cash this time, kindly transfer your ticket fee in advance to reserve your place, thank you~??

?How to use E-Ticket>>

1) Upon completion of the form, we will send you an email confirmation;

2) Transfer the amount of money to Bank of China: 00181301102056635 or BNU: 9011550543, or through the Macau Pass MPAY app to 66373246, email the receipt or screen cap to rollingpuppet@gmail.com ;

3) Claim your tickets with mobile number at the show entrance.


【The Team】

Artistic Director : LAM Teng Teng Teresa

Co-Create : Kevin CHIO, LAM T.T. Teresa, Ketamine TOU, Silok WAN

Producer : Kevin CHIO

?For enquiry :Kevin Chio 66373246 / Rollingpuppet@gmail.com


【About Rolling Puppet Alternative Theatre】

A Chinese puppet and alternative theatre group based in Macao. ROLLING PUPPET explores innovative ways in performance-making, among which Puppet and Object are elements that they are passionate about as creative media. Being the 1st Chinese professional Puppet and Alternative Theatre group in Macao, ROLLING PUPPET strives to promote the art form of Puppetry and Alternative Theatre through theatre performances, art education, publishing and other medias.

Sponsored by: Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau

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