走在光年線上 • 藍色的靈魂 |潘慧君作品展

12月4日 - 2月29日

澳門手作及創意人協會駐創意園計劃 2019

█ 走在光年線上 • 藍色的靈魂 | 潘慧君作品展Travel through Fleeting Time • Blue Soul | Solo Exhibition by Natalie Pun Wai Kuan ▐

█ 關於展覽▐

時間與光,本身是無影無像;但隨着時間與光,我們感受到生命中的不確定;還有生活中的人、 事與物,也在與這個小城不斷變化。 依依夕陽儘管給小城塗上金鉑華麗的面紗,但時間只會隨思念才能逆轉,細味伴隨時間累積走過的痕跡,在留着與 流著的詩意空間中迴盪。 懷緬昨日沒妝容的澳門是眷戀過去,最後消失在我們得以看見,但每天都來不及細看的方塊上,各自又組成別的故事,重組又重組,有關的、無關的,也永恆地繼續流動著互動著相遇著。

Time and light are invisible, making us feel the uncertainty in life. Also, people, events and things are constantly changing with the transformation of this small city.

Although Macao is shrouded in a golden veil by the lingering sunset, time could only be reversed with the nostalgia, where we could revisit the accumulated traces of the past that echo in a left-behind, ever flowing poetic space.

Reminiscing the yesterday Macao without any makeup is dwelling on the past, which finally disappears in the square forms seen by us every day with quick, inattentive glances. Each of them denotes many a new story in constant reorganizations; no matter they are interrelated or irrelevant to each other, they eternally flow, encounter and interact.

█ 關於藝術家▐

潘慧君 Natalie PUN (叻叻姐姐 Miss Nat ) 畢業於理工綜合設計系,創辦澳門手作飾物品牌「NAT HANDMADE 」及「NAT STUDIO 娜 塔妮工作室」,不單是位手繪藝術家,更是跨媒體藝術創作人、兒童藝術課程導師、平面設計師及專欄畫家,活躍多地的文創活動,更多次舉辦個人展及聯展。

A graduate from the Integrated Design Department, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Natalie created a Macao- based handcrafted accessories brand "NAT HANDMADE" and the "NAT STUDIO Natani Studio". A painting artist, cross-media creator and children's art course instructor, but also a graphic designer and a column painter, she is an active participant in cultural activities in various regions. She has held several solo exhibitions, and has participated in a few collective shows.

█ 展覽詳情▐




▄展期:2019年12月4日至 2020 年2月29日


▄地點:瘋堂十號創意園(澳門望德堂區瘋堂斜巷10號二樓B09室 )

█ 藝術家專頁▐

「NAT Handmade Life • NAT手作生活」


「NAT STUDIO • 娜塔妮工作室」


█ 展覽專頁▐


█ 相關專頁▐

www.facebook.com/ohmyhandmacau www.facebook.com/cipa.slcd


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