Mattn (DJMagTop100 #51)

12月9日 - 12月14日

Being hottest young female artists in the electronic circuit, MATTN(TOP100DJs#51) started her career in 2014 and over the years has lent her skills perfectly to an array of events such as performing in Tomorrowland for 3 consecutive years. She has also been the first female artist to appear on Smash The House. The Belgium Born is now coming to Macau at Club Cubic on 14th December (Sat) to hype up Macau!

Mattn 是 Smash The House 廠牌旗下的第一位女DJ,連續 3次於 Tomorrowland 電音節表演,23歲已經開始製作電子音樂,在全球女 DJ 排行榜上佔有一席之地,並成為熱門的年輕DJ之一。她融合了地下和商業的魅力,現場的節奏和令人興奮的旋律吸引了全世界的觀眾,有著完美的控場能力,創造出屬於自己獨特的風格,12月14日(週六)到「嬌比」一同感受Mattn的魅力。

Admission門票: HKD/MOP: $250

RSVP: +853 66384999 or

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