
11月26日 - 1月5日

  • 2019/01/05
  • 20:00
  • 澳門百老匯-百老匯舞台
  • $1080,$680,$380,$180
  • 萬星國際娛樂文化有限公司

FOCUS 關楚耀演唱會2019-澳門站 

香港歌手關楚耀,出生於音樂世家。2006年推出首張同名專輯 《if…Kelvin Kwan 》,憑譚詠麟與他合唱主打歌《大喊包》於四大樂壇頒獎典禮均獲得新人獎。2013年於Star Hall舉行首個個人演唱會及2015年於澳門威尼斯人金光綜藝館舉行《關楚耀Breakout演唱會 澳門站》。除了唱歌之外,他也參與很多電影及電視劇演出。2017年正式加盟 Sunnyidea 與 JW 成為同門師兄妹,頭炮新歌《死亡之吻》,MV上載網上至今已經超越180萬點撃率,成績優越!

《FOCUS 關楚耀演唱會2019-澳門站》將帶給觀眾最精彩的音樂、最投入的演出,澳門樂迷將可以在現場聽到多首經典之作。”FOCUS”關楚耀,2019年1月5日星期六晚上8點,澳門百老匯舞台見!


FOCUS Kelvin Kwan Concert 2019-Macau Station

  • 2019/01/05
  • 20:00
  • Broadway Theatre
  • $1080,$680,$380,$180

FOCUS Kelvin Kwan Concert 2019-Macau Station

Hong Kong singer Kelvin Kwan was born and grew up in a musical family. In 2006, his first album,"if...Kelvin Kwan" was released. With Alan Tam, they release the song "Shouting Pack"《大喊包》and Kelvin won the Newcomer Awards at all the four major music awards ceremonies. In 2013, he held his first solo concert at Star Hall and held the " Kelvin Kwan Breakout Concert Macau Station" at the Venetian Arena in Macau in 2015. In addition to singing, he also participated in many movies and TV shows. In 2017, Kelvin joined Sunnyidea and become colleagues with JW. The new song "The Kiss of Death"(死亡之吻) produced by them was released and the MV click-through rate has exceeded 1.8 million, which is an excellent result!

"FOCUS Kelvin Kwan Concert 2019-Macau Station" by Kelvin Kwan will present the audience the most exciting music and the most dedicated performances. Macau fans will be able to hear many classics on the spot. "FOCUS Kelvin Kwan”, at 8:00 pm on Saturday, January 5, 2019, see you at the Broadway stage in Macau!
