
11月23日 - 12月27日


澳門漁人碼頭精心打造的冬日奇幻聖誕,金光閃閃的超巨型聖誕樹 、佈滿節日裝飾的幻彩世界、浪漫的飄雪,超有節日氣氛呀!12月22-27日期間聖誕老人仲會出現係場區內派禮物,攞完禮物仲可以同聖誕老人影番張相留念添啊。臨走前仲有8米高的LED禮物盒?? ,耀眼的冰點色彩,絕對係打卡的最佳位置。憑澳門漁人碼頭當日消費單據或購物節抽獎券,就可以免費進入呢個聖誕仙境,快來體驗奇幻的聖誕之旅吧!

【Christmas Fantasy: The best place to feel Christmas is Right Here 】

The Christmas Fantasy in Macau Fisherman’s Wharf will not disappoint you! A huge Christmas tree is waiting for you with sparkling lights and Christmas gold. Here you will be warmly welcomed by Santa and his helpers. During the period of December 22-27, Santa Claus will appear and you can get the gift from Santa, If you like to take impressive photos, don't forget to take a photo with him, you’ll also love the 8-meter high LED gift box colored like ice??. Guests can enjoy free admission by presenting their same-day Macau Fisherman’s Wharf consumption receipt or Macau Shopping Festival lucky draw ticket. Join us at the Christmas Fantasy and indulge in an unforgettable Christmas.


- 地點Location: 澳門漁人碼頭勵駿大道Legend Boulevard, Macau Fisherman’s Wharf

- 開放日期 Opening Dates: 25 Nov-27 Dec, 2019

- 開放時間 Opening Hours: 09:00-22:00

- 憑澳門漁人碼頭當日消費單據或購物節抽獎券可免費入場

Enjoy free admission by presenting any on-day Macau

Fisherman’s Wharf consumption receipt or Macau

Shopping Festival lucky draw ticket

