
11月13日 - 12月9日









“第四屆澳門國際影展暨頒獎典禮”(下稱“影展”)將於今年12月5日至10日隆重舉行。作爲澳門的年度國際盛事,今屆影展將繼續以積極推動澳門電影及文化創意產業發展、增進國際級電影的交流機會、拓展文化藝術平台和旅遊等不同領域的發展空間爲己任。繼早前公佈著名華語影后劉嘉玲(Carina Lau)擔任今屆首位明星大使,影展籌委員會今(30日)宣佈韓國人氣男團EXO隊長金俊勉(Suho)正式加盟,壯大明星大使陣容。



“澳門國際影展暨頒獎典禮”特別表彰亞洲電影藝術工作者的突出貢獻,向經典作品致敬,同時提升澳門國際城市體驗,讓世界了解澳門多元化的文創發展新面貌。今年影展將由香港導演陳可辛(Peter Chan)擔任影展競賽單元的評審團主席;著名華語影后劉嘉玲(Carina Lau)和韓國人氣偶像金俊勉(Suho)擔任明星大使;王小帥(中國)、金容華(韓國)和卡蘭.喬哈(Karan Johar)(印度)出任影展大使。


由旅遊局及澳門影視製作文化協會致力興起影展成爲國際影壇文化交流的聚集地,將亞洲影業的作品及精英推至世界的舞台上,過往影展曾邀請多位影星擔任明星大使,包括(按時序排列):張根碩、鳳小岳、謝洛美˙維納(Jeremy Renner)、甄子丹、楊千嬅、D.O. (都敬秀)、尼古拉斯基治(Nicolas Cage)、郭富城及林允兒。


4th International Film Festival & Awards.Macao

Date : 2019/12/05-10

Time : Please see below link

Venue : Please see below link

Price : $60

Organizer : MGTO, MFTPA


The International Film Festival & Awards • Macao (IFFAM) is today delighted to announce the appointment of South Korean-Chinese K-pop mega-group EXO’s Kim Junmyeon (SUHO) as Talent Ambassador for the 4th edition of the festival, which will take place from 5 to 10 December 2019.

Says Suho: “I’m honored to be an ambassador for the International Film Festival & Awards Macao. I will work hard to encourage individuals to relate to and be inspired by great movies.”

SUHO joins Hong Kong star Carina Lau as Talent Ambassador. Writer/director and fellow South Korean Kim Yong-Hwa, Indian director/producer Karan Johar, and director from Mainland China Wang Xiaoshuai as IFFAM Ambassadors, reflecting the festival’s ambition to bring together local and international industry professionals, to highlight Macao’s East-meets-West culture and to introduce local audiences to the best in international cinema.

SUHO will be present at the IFFAM Opening Ceremony which takes place on 5 December.

Kim Junmyeon, well known as SUHO, is a member of record-breaking multi-million selling band EXO, internationally renowned for their hit songs including ‘Growl’, ‘Call Me Baby’, ‘Ko Ko Bop’, and ‘Tempo’. Kim Junmyeon’s talents also extend into musicals, dramas, and movies. He has played the lead roles in feature films One Way Trip, and Middle School Girl A, and won ‘Discovery of The Year’ at the 15th Jecheon International Music & Film Festival in 2019.

Note to editors:

The 4th International Film Festival and Awards • Macao (“IFFAM” or the “Film Festival”) , organized by Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) and the Macau Films & Television Productions and Culture Association (MFTPA) will be held from 5th to 10th December 2019 in Macao Cultural Centre. Last year the Festival invited Oscar-winning actor Nicolas Cage, together with Asian film star Aaron Kwok and Korean uprising film star Lim Yoon-A as Talent Ambassadors. The Festival also invited best films of the year such as The Green Book by Peter Farrelly (Best Film in Oscars) as the Opening Film, Roma by Alfonso Cuarón (Best Director in Oscars and winner of the Golden Lion award for Best Film at Venice Film Festival), and The Sisters Brothers by Jacques Audiard (Silver Lion award for Best Director at Venice Film Festival).


