後期制作 After Effects 應用入門

5月22日 - 6月4日

影片合成、影片特效、2D與3D編輯、影片聲效配樂、剪接設計......這些剪接製作專業的名詞你明幾多?如果知D吾知D或者聽過吓,咁都証明你有potential 喇~正題係After Effects 就係學以上提到的內容,有興趣加入剪接行列,或者想學習用AE這個用途廣泛的軟件,製作各種Motion Graphics、2D及3D動畫以應用在不同的視覺渠道中,要上堂喇~

Film synthesis, film effects, 2D and 3D editing, film soundtrack, editing design... Have you ever heard about these terms or have you already known some of them? If so, you might know After Effects is a very good software to do such items! And we are going to have an introductory class for those who are interested in learning this software or want to create a variety of Motion Graphics, 2D and 3D animations with this powerful software. You can always apply it in various visual channels.

後期製作After Effects應用入門 After Effects Class for Beginners

* 2019年6月4日-6月29日(逢星期二四六晚上7:00-10:00 ),36學時

* 學費MOP3,900,出席率達70%可獲發證書,澳門居民可獲補貼學費MOP1,950(不屬持續進修計劃)

* 課程由澳門基金會資助

* 報名及詳請:http://bit.ly/2LZM8XE

* Class will be held from Jun 4 - Jun 29 ( Every Tue, Thu, Sat, 19:00-22:00), 36hrs

* Tuition fee is MOP3,900, MOP1,950 will be returned to Macau Resident and certificate will be given if attendance reaches 70%(Not apply to the Continuing Education Development Plan)

* Sponsored by Macau Foundation

* Register and details: http://bit.ly/2LZM8XE
