Club Cubic presents Solaii

3月31日 - 4月1日

SOLAII was born and raised in Germany. His passion for electronic music was sparked by early visits to Germany’s legendary festivals such as “Love Parade” and the world-renowned Berlin club scene. His deep background in classical music and passion for electronic music gives him a unique perspective on musical trends and developments.

SOLAII regularly appears on Korean TV as The main cast of "MBC Hello Stranger" and also had guest appearances in programs such as "SBS Running Man" and "KBS GAG CONCERT". Having played alongside artists such as Alan Fitzpatrick, Ben Sims, Mark Knight, Gary Caos, John Dahlbäck and Christian Smith, to name just a few, SOLAII continues to expand and build on his success in electronic music. Catch him at Club Cubic on 31 Mar (Sat) for his debut Macau performance.

SOLAII成長於德國, 他對電音的熱誠源於“Love Parade”這一類著名德國傳奇電音節的親身體驗, 以及一些國際知名的柏林夜店演出. 本身具深厚古典音樂文化背景的他, 加上後期對電音的熱愛, 促成了他在音樂潮流與發展趨勢上的獨特見解及視野.

此外,SOLAII經常亮相於韓國電視節目, 作為《Hello!異鄉人》的主要成員之一, 他還不時於人熱綜藝節目中擔任嘉寳, 例如《Running Man》及KBS的《GAG CONCERT》.

過去與Alan Fitzpatrick, Ben Sims, Mark Knight, Gary Caos, John Dahlbäck及Christian Smith的每次同台演出都讓現場觀眾熱血沸騰,歡呼尖叫聲不絕.

想親身感受SOLAII的舞台魔力, 萬勿錯過3月31日(週六)他在澳門「嬌比」的首次演出!

#ClubCubic #SOLAII

Admission/門票: $250

RSVP: +853 66384999 or

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