
10月1日 - 2月17日

* 英語口語. 手機應用. 魔術 Magic. IELTS 雅思. Cantonese. 會計 LCC. 電腦多媒體. 指甲彩繪 Nail Art. Henna 身體彩繪. 音樂 Music...

* more courses, please visit


fb: chamberlain66583620

#Online Marketing: Design and Management

#Keys that Online Businessmen and Taobao Are Not Going To Tell You


#tailor-made #on-site #TimeSaving

*More and more institutes and companies provide their services through online platforms or mobile applications in recent years. Online platforms or shops are very different from physical stores in ways of how they are operated or promoted. Marketing planners and consumers also have many new ideas to understand and study.

*The courses are tailored for IT departments or relating parties. We can arrange concentrated contents as in small sized classes and encourage students to discuss your ideas.




#度身訂制 #彈性地點 #省時


