
9月20日 - 11月24日

東方基金會及全藝社向本澳藝術愛好者徵集繪畫、版畫、雕塑、攝影、裝置及錄像等不同媒材的作品,在「秋季沙龍2013」(上10時至晚上7時,逢週一休息,東方基金會會址 / 白鴿巢前地)展出。

本地藝術家郭恬熙專注於藝術教育和展覽策劃工作,同時醉心於佛學。近年,她遊歷印度北部山區及青藏地區,深入接觸當地的風土人情,並在「无事 - 郭恬熙」(14/10-24/11星期一至六中午12時至晚上7時,全藝社 / 黑沙環馬路52號廣耀工業大廈10樓)展覽展出一系列最新的攝影、錄像及裝置作品,通過作品讓觀眾一同探討人生與靈性的關係。


查詢:(853) 2836 6064

主辦:「秋季沙龍」 - 東方基金會、全藝社 / 「无事 - 郭恬熙」 - 全藝社












AFA Exhibitions

In Nothing Happens - Alice Kok Exhibition (12:00 noon to 7:00pm, closed on Sundays from 14/10-24/11; Art for All Society, 10/Fl., No. 52 Edif. da Fabrica de Baterias N.E. National, Est. da Areia Preta) the local artist, avid traveller, Buddhism adherent, art educator and curator explores the psyche of the Tibetan people in a display of photographs, video and installation works which explore the ‘emptiness’ of all material existence.

In Autumn Salon 2013 (10:00am to 7:00pm, closed on Mondays from 9/11-5/12; Casa Garden, Camões Square) the Orient Foundation and AFA will publicly display a treasure trove of paintings, prints, sculptures, photography, installations and video works of local artists.

Admission: Free

Enquiries: (853) 2836 6064

Organizers: Nothing Happens - Orient Foundation, Art for All Society

Autumn Salon - Art for All Society


date :14/10 - 5/12

Nothing Happens - Alice Kok

Over the past few years, I have often heard that Alice Kok has been travelling to Northern India and the Qinghai-Tibetan region. Sacred and idyllic, beautiful and far off, the Snowland has become home to Alice’s exploration of Buddhism. She has built up contacts and these have allowed her to deepen her understanding of the Tibetan people, their issues and their opinions. Learning about their religion, their culture and their lives, has made Alice realizes that the ethical changes that are taking place in our contemporary society are dependent on cause and effect. Nothing has its own essence as everything is inter-related. While we struggle to define rigid visions of our worlds, so many things have been built and destroyed, only to be rebuilt. It is as though the cycle is driven by desire in which our society appears to move forward has spun out of control. We have become powerless and helpless in the whirlpool of desire. One day, we may open our eyes only to see the emptiness of what has become.

Alice’s talent extends from images to words and it is with these that she records her thoughts in her travel journals. With her multicultural background, her recent works reveals ideologies and concepts found in Buddhism. This exhibition is an installation showcasing Alice’s latest photographs and video work. The installation represents the ‘altar’ for humanity’s vision of the infinite universe, in the form of a mandala. Images of the four elements, earth, water, fire and air, are integrated into the walls of the cube at the centre of which there is a round stage. Breaking everything down into the four elements, and linking our origins to spirituality, Alice proposes an exploration of the ‘emptiness’ of all material existence where independent essence has lost all meaning. While nature continues into eternity, the now is ever changing. As we endeavour to prove our own ‘existence’ in the here and now, the moment has slipped away forever, becoming past memories. Thus realizing the balance of Life, Time and Space.

Nothing really happens. Alice expresses the experience of emptiness, letting go of failure and success. Our sadness and helplessness in life is but a reflection of our own mind. How can we break free? Everyone has his or her own way. Walking her own path, Alice has learnt about loss and gain from her own experiences and has used them to build a deep understanding of life.

Form is emptiness. This is possibly the truest and the most harmonious state of being. However, in our contemporary society, where information is so rapidly being consumed, ‘to have’, is perhaps a way to fill the hollowness of our lives. If the truth be told, we do not need so much.

What Alice is seeking is freedom of the mind. What is more important to her is the release of life’s essence. Climbing up the highest mountains and crossing the widest rivers, she looks back to the restlessness of urban life as if it is but a dream. Arriving to deep autumn, leaves are turning into a deep red. Blown by the wind, they might end up on the other shore to the Pure Land.


Tong Chong
