Supper Moment《溫柔革命》十週年演唱 澳門站

2月10日 - 3月11日


Supper Moment《溫柔革命》十週年演唱 澳門站





A 區:港幣/澳門幣$680

B 區:港幣/澳門幣$480

C 區:港幣/澳門幣$280

成軍十年的香港著名獨立樂隊Supper Moment,成員包括主音及結他手陳仕燊(Sunny)、低音結他手張祖光(CK)、結他手梁燿鵬(Martin)和鼓手陳鴻達(Hugh)。樂隊以愛情、忠於自我以及敬業精神為創作主題,出道至今推出了不少膾炙人口的流行歌曲, 成為香港樂壇最受歡迎的樂隊之一。

Supper Moment的隊名源自成員們對「晚餐」的信念,他們認為每天最窩心的就是工作後與家人及三五知己共進晚餐的時光。樂隊更三度奪得香港歌曲流行榜冠軍。曾先後獲得多個獎項,包括在叱吒頒獎禮中榮獲組合銀獎,及在2015年獲得叱吒十大、組合金獎及我最喜愛的組合獎。

Supper Moment早前於香港舉行《溫柔革命》十周年演唱會,門票火速售罄。而將於3月11日在金光綜藝館,成員們亦會與澳門歌迷共同見證樂隊成立十周年的珍貴時刻。

Supper Moment 10th Anniversary Concert - Macao

  • 2017/03/11
  • 20:00
  • Venetian Macao - CotaiArena
  • $880,$680,$480,$280
  • The Venetian Macao

Following a decade of releasing and performing quality, independent music, leading Hong Kong band Supper Moment, with band members including lead vocalist and guitarist Sunny, bass player CK, guitarist Martin and drummer Hugh. The band have managed to become one of Hong Kong’s most popular due to the quality of their music, with themes of love and following your heart, and their strong work ethic.

Named because of their shared belief in the importance of catching up with friends and family over an evening meal, Supper Moment have topped major charts in Hong Kong three times and received numerous awards and recognition, including 2015 Jade Solid Gold Best Ten Music with Best Performance Award – Gold, and Best Band – Silver, and as Ultimate Group – Gold and Ultimate My Favourite Group by 2015 Ultimate Song Chart Awards.

Following sold-out concerts in Hong Kong, Supper Moment will celebrate ten great years of quality independent music with Macao fans at Cotai Arena on March 11.


