
1月15日 - 3月15日


由蘇州金雞湖美術館、荷蘭埃因霍溫設計學院、澳門設計師協會聯合主辦、廣州美術學院、澳門設計中心協辦的“自我/非自我—荷蘭當代設計大展” ,繼本年九月於蘇州金雞湖美術館隆重揭幕後,將於2015年1月14日移師澳門設計中心展出,展期至3月15日。是澳門首次舉辦來自荷蘭的大型當代設計展,將呈現荷蘭設計領域最前衛、最具實驗性的創作,讓澳門設計界及師生有機會接觸到世界前沿設計,並了解當代設計的發展。


自我/非自我—荷蘭當代設計大展” 澳門巡展將於1月14日下午6時30分假澳門設計中心一樓「睇展覽」開幕。

Self/ Unself - Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition is organized by Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum, Design Academy Eindhoven and Macau Designers Association, and co-organized by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and Macau Design Centre. The exhibition was inaugurated at Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum in September this year and it is moving to Macau Design Centre in January. The opening ceremony in Macau will be held on January,14, 2015. The exhibition lasts until March,15, 2015.This is the first Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition held in Macau, and it provides an opportunity to Macau resident and people of design scope to approach the avant-garde and experimental works of Dutch design as well as the latest design of the world and comprehend contemporary design development.

Macau roving exhibition is going to display 27 sets of works from Dutch design studios and designers, and show representative works by famous designers in Dutch design scope. The works in the exhibition originates from the designers' personal perception of arts and the world through various media with installation, image and multimedia in society, by manifesting meaning of sign and symbolize the unique glamour of expression.

Macau roving exhibition of Self/Unself- Dutch Contemporary Design Exhibition will inaugurate in the Exhibition Hall at Macau Design Centre at 18:30 on January,14, 2015.


日期Date: 15/1-15/3

