「福臨金沙」 大型3D光效投射匯演

1月20日 - 2月14日

今個農曆新年,帶著親友來澳門金沙度假區共慶新春吧!在澳門威尼斯人戶外人工湖畔區,將會被美麗極致的傳統新年裝飾包圍,而由今天起至2017年2月14日期間更會呈獻全新的「福臨金沙」 大型3D光效投射匯演,並於每晚6時30分至11時期間每半小時上演一次,讓您真正體驗中西文化融合的精髓!

Celebrate this Chinese New Year with us at Sands Resorts Macao! If you are visiting Macao during this CNY holiday, then you should come to The Venetian Macao for the magnificent all new 3D Light and Spectacular “Seasons of Prosperity”, the show will run from TODAY until 14 Feb 2017, every 30 minutes between 6:30p.m. to 11p.m.! Our outdoor area will also be dressed up with stunning traditional CNY decorations, make sure you stop by our property to enjoy a truly unforgettable East-meets-West New Year experiences!
