2017年澳門基金會市民專場演出.她們說… 我城

2月4日 - 3月25日


《她們說 … 我城》


舞蹈創作永遠離不開生活。生活在這座紫醉金迷與歷史文化相互交融的城市裡,舞者們又會對自己熟悉的地方產生了何種情懷?正是這渾然天成的多樣性,引發出編舞對創作的種種可能。化身為記憶與情感的舞蹈語言,舞台變成了紙,身體變成了詩,釋放出的喜怒哀樂,既可以是絢麗多彩的輕歌曼舞,讓朦朧和現實相互交疊,折射出如我城般剛柔並濟之美;換一種感覺,也可以是不同色溫的情感世界,在互動的過程中以不同的視角認識自己和對方,讓舉重若輕,稍縱即逝的肢體語言使整個世界為之屏息;如果更貼地一些,更能反映社會百態的有機結合,將生活的日常濃縮成為舞影,探索那隱藏在背後的真相。 由香港著名舞蹈家梅卓燕,夥拍台灣優秀舞蹈家古名伸,以及本地編舞精英何雅詩編創出三個意像各具不同的舞蹈作品,從中窺探城市與人的關係,讓身體述說最真實的情感。


聯合藝術指導/編舞:梅卓燕 (香港)、古名伸 (台灣)、何雅詩(澳門)

舞者:勞翠盈、黃樂曦、劉美樺、Albert Garcia、伍淑華、唐偉桐、李家敏、吳曉彤、李詠楓、廖國棟等



舞台美術: 廖國棟

服裝設計: 廖國棟   優 惠 詳 情 早購優惠




學生/ 長者/ 傷殘人士

全日制學生證、傷殘人士、65歲以上或持有頤老咭可$50購票;     其 他 信 息 *適合 6 歲或以上觀眾






日期: 2017/03/24-25

時間: 20:00

門票價格: $120


 2017 Macao Foundation presents Performance for the Citizens - "To Each Her Own City"

  • 2017/03/24-25
  • 20:00
  • Macao Cultural Centre – Small Auditorium
  • $120
  • Stella e Artistas , Stella & Artists

To Each Her Own City

Travelling between memories and feelings, expressing profound emotions through movements.

Dance creation is inseparable from life. How would dancers feel about Macao as a city where glamourous temptation and cultural history coexist? This diversity has triggered choreographers to create works which depict emotions in a poetic way, combining reality and imagination like a reflection of the city. The interaction of the dancers shows how they see themselves and each other from different perspectives, and you will be carried away by a world of colour and emotion. From there, you may also observe metaphors of social phenomenon condensed in our daily lives.

To Each Her Own City is a dance coproduction by renowned Hong Kong choreographer Mui Cheuk Yin, noted Taiwan choreographer Ku Ming Shen and also local elite choreographer Stella Ho. It embodies three different pieces of work which explores the relationship between individuals and the city, while expressing the most authentic feelings through body movements.

Production:Stella & Artists

Co-artistic Directors and Choreographers: Mui Cheuk Yin (Hong Kong), Ku Ming Shen (Taiwan), Stella Ho (Macau)

Dancers: Claudia Lou, Cecilia Wong, Mira Lao, Albert Garcia, Annette Ng, Phoebe Tong, Lei Ka Man, Andrena Ng, Elzira Rosário, Gordon Liao, etc.

Co-producers:Stella Ho, Elzira Rosário

Lighting Designer: Calvin Lam

Set Designer:Gordon Liao

Costume Designer:Gordon Liao


Students / Seniors / Physically disabled

•Macao full-time students Physically disabledand senior citizens aged 65 or above enjoy a $50 buy ticket

Group Ticket

•Each purchase of ten tickets or more may enjoy a 20% discount.

Early Bird

•4th Feb to 28th Feb enjoy 20% ticket discount.

Other Information:

* Best for aged 6 or above

* Duration: About 60 mins, No intermission

Latecomers will only be admitted at a proper timing to avoid disruption of the programme.

* The organizer reserves the right to alter the programme and/or performers.

Organizer: Stella & Artists
