
1月1日 - 12月31日







  1. 旅客只需持有合法身份證明文件,證明出生於生日優惠船票月份,即可享受此優惠。
  2. 旅客持有有效之身份證明文件,於身份證明文件上所示生日月份購買生日當月金光飛航指定航線成人正價船票即可享受標準艙每套港幣 / 澳門幣248元,頭等艙每套港幣 / 澳門幣448元之優惠。
  3. 此優惠只適用於購買金光飛航市區航線標準艙及頭等艙成人正價船票。
  4. 金光飛航市區航線指:

    • 香港港澳碼頭往返澳門氹仔客運碼頭
    • 香港港澳碼頭往返澳門外港客運碼頭
    • 香港中國客運碼頭往返澳門氹仔客運碼頭
    • 香港中國客運碼頭往返澳門外港客運碼頭航線

  5. 當月月份生日之旅客本人每次最多只可購買兩套來回優惠船票,每七天享受優惠一次。
  6. 該優惠適用於當月月份生日之旅客本人及一位同行者,同行者必須與生日之旅客同時入閘乘搭同一航班。
  7. 優惠適用於12歲或以上之人士,同行者不受年齡限制。
  8. 當月月份生日之旅客必須出示身份證明文件方可購買船票。船票只限於首程航班開航前一天或當天購買,所有行程必須在生日月份內完成。(例:如8月1日生日,可於7月31 日購買8月1日航班船票)。
  9. 優惠船票將列印上「生日優惠」字樣,旅客入閘時需出示身份證明文件核對生日月份(同行者則無須出示身份證),方為有效。
  10. 優惠船票適用於以下本金光飛航指定票務櫃檯購票。
  11. 所有行程必須於2017年12月31日或之前完成。
  12. 優惠船票數量視乎座位供應狀況而定。
  13. 船票一經發出,不得作任何更改、退票或退款。
  14. 金光飛航將不會負責及補發任何遺失或被盜的船票。
  15. 本優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用,金光飛航保留在沒有預先通知下修改任何條款或隨時終止該活動之所有權利。
  16. 活動受金光飛航乘客及行李運載條款約束。
  17. 金光飛航保留對該活動的最終決定權。
  18. 上述條款中英文版本如有歧異,概以英文版本為準。



  • 香港港澳碼頭


  • 中國客運碼頭(香港九龍)


  • 澳門氹仔客運碼頭


  • 澳門外港客運碼頭


  • 澳門威尼斯人-度假村-酒店


  • 金沙城中心


  • 澳門巴黎人


2017 Birthday Celebration Promotion

All passengers can enjoy a Cotai Class round trip ticket at HKD/MOP 248 or a Cotai First round trip ticket at HKD/MOP 448 on the month of their birthdays by showing the required identification (Macau/Hong Kong ID or passport for international passengers).

Campaign Period: 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017

(Black-out Period: 28-30 January 2017, 14-17 April 2017, 23-26 December 2017)



Terms and Conditions:

  1. Passengers whose birthdays are in the same month of the purchase date are eligible to participate in this promotion.
  2. Eligible passengers can enjoy a Cotai Class round trip ticket at HKD/MOP 248 or a Cotai First round trip ticket at HKD/MOP 448 by proving their birthdays with the required identification (Macau/Hong Kong ID or passport for international passengers)
  3. This Promotion only applies to Cotai Water Jet City Route adult full fare Cotai Class and Cotai First tickets.
  4. Cotai Water Jet City routes:

    • Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal to/from Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal
    • Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal to/from Macau Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal
    • Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal to/from Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal
    • Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal to/from Macau Outer Harbor Ferry Terminal

  5. A maximum of two sets of round-trip tickets (specifically for birthday person and one guest) may be purchased per day within 7 days.
  6. This Promotion applies to one birthday celebrant and one guest who must travel on the same ferry as birthday celebrant.
  7. Promotion is available to all eligible passengers aged more than 12 years old, the guest has no age limitation.
  8. Birthday Celebrant must present Identification Document in person at the time of purchase. Tickets may be purchased one day in advance or on the day of sailing. Return tickets may be used any time within the month of birthday.
  9. The word “Birthday Promotion”will be printed on the ferry ticket. Birthday Celebrants must present identification document for verification when boarding(guests are not required to verify eligibility)
  10. The authorized ticketing counters for this promotion are shown below.
  11. All tickets of this promotion must be used on or before 31 Dec 2017
  12. This promotion is subject to seat availability.
  13. No change, cancellation or refund is available once ticket is issued.
  14. Cotai Water Jet will not be responsible for any lost or stolen ticket and no reissuance of ferry ticket will be entertained.
  15. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other offers or discounts. Cotai Water Jet reserves the right to pause, change or terminate this event and other terms and conditions without notice.
  16. This promotion is subject to Terms & Conditions of Carriage of Passengers and Luggage.
  17. Cotai Water Jet reserves the rights to make all final decision of this promotion.
  18. The English version of these Terms & Conditions shall prevail in case of discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions.

Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counters: 

  • Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal

    Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter

    (Shop 305D & 305N, Shun Tak Centre, 200 Connaught Road, Sheung Wan, HK)

  • China Ferry Terminal (Hong Kong Kowloon)

    Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter

    (Shop 1-5A, 1/F China Ferry Terminal, 33 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)

  • Macau Taipa Ferry Terminal

    Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter (Departure Hall)

  • Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal

    Cotai Water Jet Ticketing Counter (Counter 30-31, Level 2)

  • The Venetian Macao

    CotaiTravel (Shop1028)

  • Sands Cotai Central

    CotaiTravel (Shop1030)

  • The Parisian Macao

    CotaiTravel (Shop107)

