鄭中基PLAY IT AGAIN世界巡迴演唱會澳門站

7月28日 - 9月10日



鄭中基PLAY IT AGAIN世界巡迴演唱會澳門站

鄭中基相隔十年再次舉辦個人演唱會,帶來最新的演唱會《PLAY IT AGAIN》,希望用音樂再度連繫歌迷聚首一堂。是次演唱會將多首經典作品重新編曲,加入各項音樂元素。除此之外,鄭中基更會演唱新專輯的歌曲,令樂迷熱切期待。演唱會的舞台除了設有多個升降移動台外,更裝設高品質的現場音響設施和LED燈光效果,使舞台極盡華麗精美。入行20年的鄭中基是演藝界和樂壇的知名演藝人,於1996年發行第一張的個人國語專輯《左右為難》,備受讚賞。2005年,他的作品《無賴》更成為大熱歌曲,深受樂迷喜愛,更獲選為同年的十大歌曲之一,令他獲獎無數。

Ronald Cheng PLAY IT AGAIN World Tour in Macao

Ten years after his last solo concert, Ronald is returning to the stage to bring his latest concert “PLAY IT AGAIN” to his loyal fans! He has recomposed his classic hits especially for the tour, which will add multiple music elements with innovative changes to the original songs. He will also perform songs from his latest album thus making this concert a highly-anticipated live show. The stage setting of the concert has been designed to have several mobile lifting platforms, matched with high-quality live audio effects and LED lights. Being in the entertainment industry for 20 years, Ronald is both a successful singer and a famous actor. He released his first solo Mandopop album “In A Dilemma” in 1996, and has received numerous recognitions ever since. His well-liked hit “Rascal” was voted a top ten single in 2005, and won many awards that year.



日期: 2016/09/10

時間: 20:00

門票價格: $1080,$880,$680,$480
