
7月10日 - 9月1日

門票於 7 月 10 日早上十時公開發售


Cult 霸樂隊顛覆莎劇經典



英倫三人樂隊苦百合以黑色幽默、荒誕不經的風格,唱盡妓女、毒蟲等各種禁忌故事,成為世界各地另類舞台的至愛。他們因演出倫敦西區音樂劇《蓬頭彼得》而名聲更上一層,團長主唱馬廷‧傑克斯更摘下當年英國劇場界最高榮譽奧利弗獎的「最佳配角獎」,五年前首度來澳演出更帶來無窮驚艷。2012 年樂團開始與丹麥最具前瞻性的共和劇團合作,再次顛覆傳統想像,以充滿詩意且觸動人心的震撼視聽重新演繹莎劇的不朽經典。


• CCM摯友購票可享九折優惠

• 早購優惠:CCM摯友於開售首七天內可獲八折優惠

• 此節目凡持有效之文化中心會員証(CCM摯友卡),均可在2016年7月10日至7月16日期間購票,享有八折優惠,2016年7月17日起一律九折。網上購票者必須使用CCM會員登入,方可享有會員購票優惠。


• 12歲或以下兒童、澳門全日制學生及65歲或以上長者可享半價優惠(數量有限,入場時需出示證件)

團體票:一次購買相同票價門票十張或以上,可享八五折優惠     其 他 信 息 入場限制:適合13歲或以上,凡入場人士均需要購票





Cult band reinvents Shakespeare

Macao is about to live the thrill of punk cabaret brought by one of its most internationally revered interpreters. British cult band The Tiger Lillies and Danish Theatre Republique co-stage a powerful visual and musical performance of Hamlet as we never seen before.

Turned into a blend of dazzling circus acts, video projections and live music, Shakespeare’s immortal tale of duplicity, murder and love tells us the gruesome story of a young man faced with the duty to revenge his father's death. Conceived by the genius minds of theatre director Martin Tulinius and band leader Martyn Jacques, this piece is a two-hour blast of theatrical seduction, taking on deception and the utter futility of existence. The play’s explosion of sound and images finely illustrates the moment of Hamlet’s inevitable destruction depicted in a thriving creative venture between exquisite performers.

The Tiger Lillies are back on the road after touring the world with a long praised line up of spine-tingling songs about London’s pick-pockets and other outlaws. Martyn Jacques sings and acts to incarnate an omnipotent game master, lending his voice to a unique suite of newly composed songs. These tunes keep the band on the dark trail of earlier shows like the one that brought them to Macao five years ago.

Created in 2012 in Denmark, land of Hamlet, this extravagant, sophisticated joint venture, re-imagines Shakespeare’s classic masterpiece, transforming it into an astounding, Brechtian style, “Opera Grotesque”. Through a combination of intense acting, innovative stage design and thought-provoking visuals, this show promises to conquer with signature sets of macabre songs, on a poetic journey to the essence of tragedy.


CCM Friends

• CCM Friends are entitled to a 10% discount.

• Early Bird: During the first 7 days of ticket sales, members can enjoy 20% early bird discount.

• From 10-16/07/2016,CCM Friends are entitled to 20% discount for all thereafter. From 17/07/2016,CCM Friends are entitled to 10% discount.

If you book the tickets online, please use your CCM Card Number to login so that you could enjoy the discounts.

Students / Seniors *

• Children aged 12 or below, Macao full-time students and senior citizens aged 65 or above enjoy a 50% discount.

(Limited seats. Proof of identity to be shown upon admission.)

Group purchase

Each purchase of 10 or more same-priced tickets of the same performance enjoy a 15% discount.

Other Information:

Age Limit: Best for aged 13 or above

Duration: About 145 mins, with 20 mins intermission

Language: English, Chinese subtitle

Organizer: Macao Cultural Centre


日期: 2016/09/01

時間: 20:00

門票價格: $250,$200,$150*,$100*
